Instacart Saves Time and Money


     Time is Money. 

Time spent on a standard Aldi’s trip:

20 minutes meal planning and prepping the grocery list

15 minutes driving to the store.

45 minutes parking, shopping and checking out

15 minutes bagging groceries and loading groceries into the car

15 minutes driving home

15 minutes carrying the items into the house

20 minutes putting away the groceries

This is a total time of 2 hours and 25 minutes

     When I discovered Instacart I realized that I was able to spend time on the app or the site and I was able to order all my groceries as I meal planned in the same 20 minutes.  I also spent 20 minutes putting away the groceries.

     I am saving myself ONE HOUR AND 45 MINUTES!!  Time is Money. I have almost two hours to work and earn or simply relax.  Either way I am happier and safer and more productive by outsourcing my grocery shopping.

      I am also helping another independent contractor by utilizing their services.  I am helping my ENTREPENEUR COMMUNITY.


    Other Benefits:

Sticking to my healthy choices because I am not tempted in the store.

Avoiding stopping at Starbucks for coffee as a treat on grocery day

Not cluttering my vehicle

Saving on gas for my vehicle

The kids are not bickering as we go to the store 

Get $10 off your order when you use my link or my code below: 

THANK YOU as I too will get $10 off my next order. 


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